We’re raising a can to a greener future. Did you know? Consumers recycle more aluminum cans than any other beverage container!House Wine cans deliver great wine in a sustainable package that minimizes our environmental footprint.

Aluminum cans are the most sustainable beverage packaging on virtually every measure. They are lightweight, stackable, strong, and most often to be recycled over and over again in a truly closed loop process.
The U.S. recycles more than 40 billion cans each year – that's nearly 90,000 cans per minute.
Aluminum cans are recycled at higher rates than any other beverage container, and at more than twice the rate of plastic bottles.
Closed-loop recycling saves critical natural resources. More than 92% of recycled aluminum can material is made back into a new aluminum can.
Aluminum cans contain 73% recycled content on average. This is up to 20X the recycled content of plastic bottles.
The energy saved by recycling 100% of aluminum cans could power more than 2 million homes for a full year.
The U.S. economy could save around $800 million each year by recycling aluminum cans that currently end up in landfills.

Source: www.aluminum.org/canadvantage